Know About | PNR status, PNR enquiry, PNR number, train ticket refund and Dial 139|

Know About | PNR status, PNR enquiry, PNR number, train ticket refund and Dial 139| PNR Status What does the PNR status means? An Indian Railways Passenger Name Record (PNR) is a number assigned to a passenger or a group of passengers that contains a set of personal and travel information of the passenger(s). Now, checking PNR status has become quite hassle-free and convenient by the use of mobile phones. Apart from inquiring at railway stations, PNR status can be inquired upon easily via SMS or the IRCTC website. A PNR status includes information such as ticket confirmation status (ie. whether confirmed, or wait-listed or RAC) and other journey-related information such as arrival and departure time of trains. Steps to check train PNR status online One simple and popular way of checking PNR status is through the IRCTC website. To try this method, follow these steps: First of all, log in to the IRCTC website htt...