Weight Gain Diet

               Weight Gain Diet

In  modern busy life everyone wants to keep himself healthy & fit and looks smart. Peoples who are 15-20 percent below the normal weight as per age and height, is mention as underweight. Reason is to become underweight that not had get enough calories and nutritions during childhood time.

Those who are fat, wants to loss weight and thin people wants to gain some fat. In this fast growing world, each one wants to  happen things fastly. Due this tendency people uses factory products instead of eating natural weight deit and get some side effects. 

Always use natural deit although it is little slow process but healthy and not have any side effects.Be calm. Naturally gaining weight is some time consuming. You should take your deit in right time and in amount of quantity. 

For gaining weight you will have to take more calories. If you are one among the many people who want to know easy tips to increase weight through natural steps, you will have to know  about organic ideas.

In this Article we are going to discuss excellent weight Gain fruits and vegetables that you should include in you deit to increase weight.

Best  fruits and vegetables to gain weight :-

Dry Fruits ¬ 

The nuts and dry fruits that you should eat to gain weight are listed below,

Cashew nuts

Cashew nuts has better taste. It is among best dry fruits to consume to increase weight. As it contains protein & fiber and antioxidants  which is nessary to healthy digestive systems. It's also contains monosaturated fats and have not any cholesterol. Good for healthy heart. So cashew are ideal for weight Gain.


Almonds are very popular in all over world and consumed widely by the people. It's have various health benefits. It also good for weight gain. As Almonds contains various health useful vitamins. It is called to be vitamin E good source. Almonds contains proteins that can be fastly digest by body and gives pack of energy. It includes monosaturated fatty acid in good amounts. So include almonds in your diet to increase weight.


As pistachios is source of monosaturated fatty acid which decrease the cholesterol in blood and maintain good health of heart. It's protein and fibers helps in improving digestive system. It also rich in carotenoid that helps in increasing eyesight. So pistachios overall good for body and weight gain.


There are many fruits that can help you gain weight. We are listing below most efficient fruits to gain weight ¬


Banana is to be known as booster for quick energy. Eating banana increases our weight fastly. It has high calories. If we consume banana  along with milk, results will be more better. It also improve hemoglobin production.


Mangoes are known to be king of fruits. If we consume mangoes regular time, it will help in gaining our weight. Mongoes are very useful for health growth. It contains nutrients and calories that are easy to digest.


Figs have rich calorie content which is good for increasing weight. You can take it in food as salad or as snacks also. So including figs in your deit to gain weight will be good.


Raisins are also found to be high content of calories. Raisins are big pack of energy but small in size. Raisins have vitamins, fibres and minerals. To take good advantage of its nutrients, eat the raisins in equal intervals of time in less quantity. So increase your weight with raisins and keep yourself fit.

Best tips to gain weight other than your diet ¬

(a) Regular exercise

(b) Yoga

(c) Consume milk

(d) Take adequate sleep

(e) Keep yourself stressfree

(f) Be happy and motivated

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