Nitrogen in Tires: Advantages

Nitrogen in Tires: Advantages Normally, Vehicles tires are filled with air. We know air is mixer of different - different types of gases like Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), Carbon dioxide, water vapours and other gases in small quantities. In this, One question is raised in our mind. Is air is good to use in Tires? You will get its answer step by step below. We all generally check our vehicle tires pressure once in a month and some people forget to check. Correct inflated Tires and checking Tire pressure once in a month will reduce early tire wear, increase vehicle mileage, decrease vehicle's stopping distance and helps in increasing tires life. Benefits of Nitrofill Tires over Airfill Tires-: ° Nitrogen is inert gas so high temperature and pressure do not affect it as air. ° Nitrogen does not support combustion as air. We know air is mixer of all gases including Oxygen which is prone to fire. During summer time when outside temperature is more tha...