Nitrogen in Tires: Advantages

  Nitrogen in Tires: Advantages

Normally, Vehicles tires are filled with air. We know air is mixer of different - different types of gases like Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), Carbon dioxide, water vapours and other gases in small quantities.
In this, One question is raised in our mind. 
Is air is good to use in Tires? You will get its answer step by step below.
We all generally check our vehicle tires pressure once in a month and some people forget to check. Correct inflated Tires and checking Tire pressure once in a month will reduce early tire wear, increase vehicle mileage, decrease vehicle's stopping distance and helps in increasing tires life.

Benefits of Nitrofill Tires over Airfill Tires-:

° Nitrogen is inert gas so high temperature and pressure do not affect it as air.

° Nitrogen does not support combustion as air. We know air is mixer of all gases including Oxygen which is prone to fire. During summer time when outside temperature is more than 40°c and vehicles or aircraft runs in high speed then temperature of the wheel goes suddenly very high. If that time air in Tires or indirectly due to presence of Oxygen fire in Tires can take place. Instead of air, Nitrogen is cool gas and reduces chances of tire fire.

° Nitrogen is non- reactive gas and prevents corrosion of wheels. As we know air cantains Oxygen and water vapours, which leads to corrosion of wheels.

° Nitrofill Tires work well in high altitudes. Nitrogen saves Tires from bursting in high altitudes. As air contains water vapours which leads to crystallization inside tires and causes to tire burst.

° Nitrogen saves Tires from bursting during summer. In Summer season roads or runway already heated up due to high temperature and sudden or reqular intervals applying of disc and brakes, high speed of vehicle air pressure expanden take place which leads the cause of tire burst. As Nitrogen is cool gas and it does not suddenly expand more in high temperature. In aircrafts brakes are used hard and quickly on landing. This creates a lot of  heat right near the Tires. So aircraft Tires also filled with nitrogen. 

° Nitrofill Tires pressure remains constant for more time as compared to air-filled  Tires. Nitrogen's molecule atomic size is larger than Oxygen's molecule atomic size. So it is difficult for nitrogen to leak out of rubber tire as compared to air which contains oxygen. So nitrogen permeability is six times more than Oxygen. Permeability means natural process of any gas escaping.

° Nirofill Tires increase vehicle mileage. As we already tell Nitrogen pressure remain constant for more time. Under inflated tires lowers vehicles mileage. If there is 1PSI drop in all four Tires than it decrease 3% of vehicle mileage. So Nitrogen is beneficial for fuel economy and saves some fuel.

° Nitrofill Tires pressure affects less due to temperature variations. Means If there is sudden rise in temperature in afternoon or sudden drop in temperature in night than nitrogen gas doesn't quickly expand or its volume decreases. Nitrogen keeps pressure less variable due to temperature change.

° Nitrogen filling increases tire life, as decrease early wear and tear, improves fuel economy, Vehicles handling and more safety.

Some points to remember - :

° Nitrogen filling does not mean, you forget to check vehicle tire pressure at ragular intervals. You must check your vehicle pressure at least once in a month for safety of yourself and vehicle. 

° Remember, Nitrogen is a gas and affected by ambient temperature. Around 1PSI for every 10 Fahrenheit. 

° For getting good results of Nitrofill tires, it is necessary to maintain the purity level of Nitrogen. It is good to at least maintain 93% to 95% purity. Purgeing and filling cycle can be repeat for getting good purity. 

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